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Art & DT

Art is a visual language, a means of communication which can transcend words. It encourages self-expression and creativity and can build confidence as well as a sense of individual identity. Studying art subjects also helps to develop critical thinking and the ability to interpret the world around us. With this at the heart of our ethos, the intent of the Art and Design curriculum is to provide learners with opportunities to develop and extend skills and express their individual interests, thoughts and ideas through creative practice. Pupils will develop their skills using a variety of media and techniques. This includes pencils, pens, inks, pastels, water colours, and printmaking. They will focus on how to develop and refine ideas from conception to the finished piece. Pupils will link their own work to that of artists, designers, photographers and illustrators.

Key stage 3

In year seven we start with the basics, learning about the Formal Elements; line, tone, form, shape, colour, texture, pattern. Understanding these elements forms the basis of all art. After learning the first five of these basic ingredients, year seven put them to creative practice with a project based on Tim Burton style characterisation.

In year eight pupils explore painted landscapes and broaden their use of subject specific language through image analysis. They learn methods and processes to help them gain a deeper understanding of composition and create imagery based on Dia De Los Muertos, exploring mixed media. They finish the year with a project based on insects which includes the final two formal elements of texture and pattern.

Year nine start the year with a recap on formal elements. This leads onto a printing project where they use all the methods and processes taught in previous years and all formal elements, consolidating and transferring skills whilst experimenting with new media. They finish the year with a project based on insects.  They can work in 2 or 3D and this element of choice and independence gives an experience closer to a GCSE style project to help understand the content when considering GCSE options for key stage 4.

Key stage 4

Pupils can opt to take Art at GCSE level and over the 2 years they will complete a coursework project and an exam project.

The coursework is worth 60% and the exam is worth 40%.

At the beginning of year 10 the pupils are introduced to some new materials and given a chance to develop their skills before starting to explore and develop ideas around a chosen theme in their sketchbook. The sketchbook is a narrative, used to display how one idea leads to another there by building towards a natural conclusion, which is the final piece. All of this will take them up to the January of year 11.

In new year they will then be given a range of themes, provided by the exam board, to chose from and this will form the starting point for their exam. They repeat the process, developing ideas in their sketchbook and build a narrative. This concludes with a final piece which is completed under exam conditions.

Key stage 5

Key stage 5 follows the same method of working as KS4 with the addition of a written personal investigation of approximately 3000 words, which links to the student’s practical work. The coursework runs from the start of year 12 where students choose their own theme as a starting point and runs until the end of January in year 13. OCR supply a range of starting points for a second project where the final piece is produced under exam conditions over 15 hours.

The weighting is the same as the GCSE with 60% coursework and 40% exam.


Design & Technology

The Design and Technology curriculum at St Peter’s is an engaging program which nurtures the creativity and innovation in Food, Textiles and Product Design. Pupils have the opportunity to expand their thinking skills, develop a range of practical skills, using tools, materials and equipment effectively and safely, being aspirational and to challenge themselves to combine practical and technological skills with creative thinking. Pupils will link their own work to designers past and present.


Key stage 3.

In key stage 3, the curriculum offers design and technology in 4 different strands; food technology, textiles, resistant materials, electronics and CAD CAM (computer aided design, computer aided manufacture).

Food technology: learning how to cook is a crucial life skill, at St Peter’s pupils will experience being a real master chef. Pupils will learn of what constitutes a healthy diet, learn about the importance of food and nutrition, food provenance personal hygiene and develop their practical skills by cooking a broad range of different recipes focusing mainly of savoury dishes.

Product Design: Pupils will go through the design process to manufacture a product, they will gain the basic knowledge of a variety of materials and learn how to use a range of equipment; CAD CAM (computer aided design, computer aided manufacture), the use of hand tools and workshop machinery use are all undertaken by our KS3 pupils. The textiles element of design and technology offers pupils to learn hand and machine stitching.

Key stage 4.

AQA GCSE Design and Technology.

Pupils can opt for to take Design & Technology at GCSE and over the 2 years will complete a coursework project and an exam. The coursework is worth 50% and the exam is worth 50%.

During year 10, the pupils will complete a range of products in different materials, this is to secure their learning and prepare them for their NEA in year 11. In June of year 10, the exam board will give pupils a range of briefs, pupils will discuss the briefs and chose one to focus on for their coursework. Using the iterative design, pupils will create a portfolio and a prototype based on their chosen brief which will take them up to February of Year 11.

After the completion of the coursework, pupils will focus on revision for the exam in the summer.


50% Written paper (2-hour exam paper at the end of year 11).

50% Coursework project (Non-exam assessment- NEA)

At GCSE, pupils will follow the AQA specification 8552. 

WJEC Hospitality and Catering level 1/ 2.

In key stage 4, the food technology course runs over 2 years. Pupils will have the opportunity to learn about the hospitality industry and develop skills which they can transfer to a work environment. The qualification provides learners the knowledge and understanding of the H&C industry, develops the ability to plan and cook dishes and develops practical skills that are suitable for the catering industry.


40% Written paper (1hour 20mins exam paper at the end of year 11).

60% Coursework (controlled assessment).

Unit 2: Hospitality and catering in action Controlled assessment: approximately 12 hours 60% of qualification. An assignment brief will be provided by WJEC which will include a scenario and several tasks along with a 3hr practical exam.

Pupils will follow the WJEC specification.